Royalty Prep Travel Football Winter 2024-2025

The Royalty Prep Elite High School Prep Football Team 2023 - 2024
Elite youth football with intentional character development. The team will be comprised of the top middle school football players in the region, and participate in elite, travel games through Winter 2023 and Spring 2024.
The goal and purpose of the Royalty Prep youth sports team is to extend the purpose and mission of the Royalty Institute of Leadership and Innovation to young people in the area, specifically at the middle school age. We will use the Royalty Prep youth sports team in order to create a consistent pipeline of quality young men as potential students at The Royalty Institute of Leadership and Innovation. The team will compete as an all star middle school team in east coast championship tournaments in the Winter of 2023, as a precursor to training camp for the 2024 Spring All-Star Season.
Current Calendar -
Dec. 1 - Holiday Classic Vs. NCA - 8001 Ritchie Dr. Capitol Heights MD
Dec 9th & 10th - West Va Elite Tournament - (Overnight Trip) - $100 Per Player
Shawnee Sports Complex 1 salango lane Dunbar WV
January 2024 - Winter Training
Spring 2024 - Colosseum Spring League Football
ROyalty prep ELite
Live Royal
Good Afternoon,
Coach Wade here from The Royalty Institute just wanting to give you a quick reminder of our tryout coming up this Monday at 6 PM. I am very excited about working with you and your young men, this winter and spring heading into their high school experience. Just a couple reminders. Heading into Monday’s tryout:
A. If you have not done, so already, please complete registration at the link below. We want to make sure we have an accurate count of young men attending the tryout.
B. Try out a tire will be sweats (sweatshirt + sweatpants) As we want to make sure that the young men are warm, and we will not have contact drills during tryout. That said, please be prepared to communicate what equipment you have, and what equipment will be needed for rent for our game on December 9
C. Full practice week and tournament weekend information will be distributed to parents on Tuesday, November 29th.
D. As of now, the anticipated cost per player is $165. That said, we are actively seeking sponsors and will communicate updated price information leading up to the tournament
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone at 301-520-8817. Call or text are fine. Or you can email me at
Please have a great weekend and I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday
Live Royal,
Cornell Wade
November 6
November 13th
November 20th
November 28th
***All tryouts held at 8801 Ritchie Drive Capitol Heights MD
Practice Schedule - 2 Times a Week -
Monday - 6:30 - 8pm
Friday - 6:30- 8pm
Potential Tournaments -
Washington DC - November 19th Weekend
West Virginia - December 9-11th
Special Programming -
Cyberwarriors is a workshop that introduces the field of cyber security to black children, specifically with black characters in the videogame format. They embark on journeys to save the world, while learning skills and concepts such as firewalls, coding and other important skills in the innovative field of cyber security. Created by Justin Drummond, a lifelong resident of Prince Georges County, this revolutionary program is a must for black children across the nation.
Financial Literacy Workshop
Economic Knowledge and empowerment are a foundational component of advancement in our society. We partner with Beks Amadi, a local realtor, Bowie State Alumni and lifelong Prince Georges County resident to explain the basics of financial literacy through the lens of real estate.
Community Service Event -
We will host a food drive in the DC Metropolitan area, and have all athletes and their families partake in the event in order to build a sense of community ownership in the young men. We believe that community service is an essential component to a young mans development, as it teaches a responsibility to others
Academic Support & Tutoring
Please contact Coach Cornell Wade for assistance regarding all things academics. We have resources to assist our boys in reaching academic success.
Maps 2 Manifest Mentoring Program -
We will pair each player with mentors to assist in the development process, while using a creative arts backdrop as a means to making connections